
Monday, February 27, 2023

Piping Work

Piping work refers to the installation and maintenance of piping systems used for the transport of fluids, such as liquids and gases, in industrial and commercial settings. These systems are used in a variety of applications, including heating and cooling, water supply, waste disposal, chemical processing, and power generation. The basic components of a piping system include pipes, fittings, valves, and pumps. The pipes are the main component and are used to transport fluids from one location to another. The fittings are used to connect the pipes and change the direction of the flow. Valves are used to control the flow of the fluid, and pumps are used to move the fluid through the system. The installation of a piping system involves several steps, including: Planning and design: This involves identifying the requirements of the system and determining the optimal layout, pipe sizing, and material selection. Pipe cutting and fitting: This involves cutting the pipes to the required length and connecting them using fittings, such as elbows, tees, and couplings. Welding or brazing: This is used to join the pipes and fittings together, creating a leak-proof seal. Valve and pump installation: Valves and pumps are installed in strategic locations to control the flow of fluid through the system. Testing and commissioning: This involves testing the system to ensure that it is functioning correctly and commissioning it for use. Maintenance of piping systems involves regular inspections, cleaning, and repairs to ensure that the system is functioning correctly and efficiently. Regular maintenance can help prevent leaks, corrosion, and other issues that can lead to system failure. Piping work requires specialized skills and knowledge, including an understanding of the properties of the fluids being transported, the materials used in the piping system, and the safety requirements of the installation and maintenance process. It is typically performed by trained professionals, such as plumbers, pipefitters, and industrial technicians. Types of Piping Works There are several types of piping works based on their purpose and application. Here are some common types: Process piping: This type of piping is used to transport fluids in industrial processes such as chemical, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, food processing, and water treatment plants. Plumbing piping: This type of piping is used to distribute and remove water and wastewater in residential and commercial buildings. HVAC piping: This type of piping is used in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to distribute heated or cooled air throughout a building. Fire protection piping: This type of piping is used to provide water for fire sprinklers and standpipes in buildings and other structures. Gas piping: This type of piping is used to transport natural gas and other gases for industrial, commercial, and residential use. Steam piping: This type of piping is used to transport steam in industrial processes, heating systems, and power generation plants. Refrigeration piping: This type of piping is used to transport refrigerants in cooling systems for refrigeration and air conditioning. Each type of piping work requires different materials, installation techniques, and safety measures. For example, gas piping requires special materials and installation procedures to ensure safety, while steam piping requires materials that can withstand high temperatures and pressure. Therefore, it is important to select the right type of piping work and hire professionals with experience and knowledge in the specific type of piping work required.


1 Introduction Congratulations on choosing CERAFILTEC’s ceramic membrane module. The CERAFILTEC system is a highly sophisticated product. We strongly recommend using only trained and experienced technicians for assembly, installation and troubleshooting. To locate the closest authorized service technician or to request an assembly training please contact your CERAFILTEC representative or visit website at If you decide to install the equipment yourself, please follow this assembling manual. For installation assistance, contact your CERAFILTEC representative. You will ensure a successful installation as well as reliable operation by carefully reading this manual and following the operational guidelines. Convince yourself about the easy assembling. Under the following links we show you demonstration videos of assembling and operation references: This document contains general guidelines. Depending on the application and project specific installation requirements, e.g. how many modules per tower to be assembled, construction of accessories inside the filtration tank, like position holders, aeration and sprinkler sets, hose connections of tower, main filtered water header, and other need to be considered. Please follow these additional instructions, listed in the project design and execution documents. If you do not have the project design or execution documents, please contact your CERAFILTEC representative. Please contact your CERAFILTEC representative or check on website for any further manual updates to insure correct and safe assembly and installation. 2 Technology and Product Introduction 2.1 Filtration classification, applications and removal targets CERAFILTEC’s filtration module is a chemical and temperature resistant Ultra-Filtration (UF) ceramic membrane filter for solid-liquid separation. It can be used in various sources of contaminated water. The technology is well used in the following applications: ▪ Drinking water from ground- and surface water sources ▪ Brackish water and seawater reverse osmosis pre-filtration ▪ Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment ▪ Mining wastewater treatment ▪ Oily wastewater treatment ▪ Produced water treatment ▪ Scrubber wastewater for marine scrubbers ▪ Recovery of backwash wastewater from sand filters ▪ Sludge thickening of activated sludge ▪ Hot water filtration ▪ Others challenging industrial waters With an average filter pore size of 0.1 micron the UF membrane acts as a physical barrier to removal any suspended solids from the water, like: ▪ Sand particles, silt and colloidal silica ▪ Metal oxides, like iron and manganese oxides ▪ Pollen, Germs and bacteria ▪ Algae ▪ Oil and grease ▪ Colloidal fractions ▪ Chlorinated diphenyl ▪ TEP (Transparent Exopolymer Particles) ▪ EPS (Extra polymeric Substances) ▪ Others Ultra-filtration technologies with a pore size of 0.1 µm are commonly understood as filtration solution to remove suspended solids such as clay and silt, pollen, algae, precipitated metal oxides as well as fractions of colloids. They are also a physical barrier for germs and bacteria and are classified as disinfection solution with typical log removal value (LRV) above 5.
CERAFILTEC’s ceramic flat sheet membrane solution is more than just a common ultra-filtration. In conjunction with developed pre-treatment processes, e.g. active cake layer filtration for a selective removal of dissolved ions, CERAFILTEC provides a superior filtration solution. Therewith, only CERAFILTEC achieves unprecedented filtered water quality, and consequently being the best prefiltration solution for all NF and RO applications. The technology is typically used as pre-filtration for desalting technologies, like Nano-Filtration and Reverse Osmosis. CERAFILTEC’s filtration module is highly seawater resistant and corrosive free. 3 Ceramic Flat Sheet Materials The CERAFILTEC module housing can be used with a wide variety of ceramic flat membranes. The module housing of CERAFILTEC is the standard and the different ceramic membranes can be used specifically according to the application. The ceramic plates marketed by CERAFILTEC have different properties depending on their choice. Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the membranes. 3.1 Ceramic Membrane properties The high resistance of ceramic materials and the resulting cleaning possibilities generate a unique highperformance system. Depending on the medium and the operating conditions, mechanical, thermal, and chemical cleaning strategies it can be combined individually to achieve a stable and low maintenance long-term operation. 4 CERAFILTEC´s Ceramic Membrane Module One module is a single, modular and expandable filtration unit consisting of a glass fiber reinforced plastic housing and the flat sheet ceramic plates. The module housing was developed to tightly transport the liquid medium in internal channels, while at the same time withstanding high mechanical forces. Our 3rd generation module is flow optimized to achieve the maximum performance of the ceramic membranes. The four large internal filtered water channels allow for flux rates up to 1,500 LMH (equal to 9 m³/hr) with one single module at minimal pressure losses. The entire housing, as well as all accessories are free of any metals and therefore usable in the harshest applications and at the same time achieving a very long lifespan. Additionally, no surrounding frames or hose connections between the modules are required.
Benefits: ▪ Less filter area needed due to high flux operation – high CAPEX savings ▪ Suitable for seawater and other challenging applications without any risks of corrosion problems ▪ Operation at hot temperature up to boiling water ▪ Fully modular due to no surrounding frame – option to change number of modules per tower at any time either to optimize project costs or to increase the plant capacity in future ▪ Most compact design – towers can be installed in close distance to each other as no hoses are needed 4.1 Module 6.0 S The Module 6.0 S is our standard for most applications. ▪ Filtration module with ceramic flat sheet membranes suitable for submerged applications ▪ Multi ceramic plate configuration with exchangeable single ceramic plates ▪ Internal filtered water piping ▪ Module housing fully made of glass fiber reinforced resin – free of any steel parts ▪ Suitable for harsh applications like groundwater, seawater, surface water, MBR, TSE and other challenging industrial waters ▪ High flux operation up to 1,500 LMH Specifications

Pneumatic Actuator

A pneumatic actuator is a device that uses compressed air to generate mechanical motion. It is commonly used in industrial applications to control valves, dampers, and other mechanical components. Pneumatic actuators are often preferred over other types of actuators because they are reliable, easy to maintain, and provide fast and precise control. The basic components of a pneumatic actuator include a cylinder, a piston, and a valve. When compressed air is introduced into the cylinder, it pushes the piston, which generates mechanical motion. The valve controls the flow of compressed air into and out of the cylinder, allowing the actuator to move in different directions. There are two types of pneumatic actuators: double-acting and spring-return. In a double-acting pneumatic actuator, compressed air is used to move the piston in both directions, while in a spring-return actuator, compressed air is used to move the piston in one direction, and a spring is used to return the piston to its original position. Pneumatic actuators are available in different sizes and shapes to fit a variety of applications. They can be mounted in different orientations, and some models can be customized with different accessories, such as position indicators and limit switches, to enhance their functionality. Pneumatic actuators have several advantages over other types of actuators. They are relatively simple and easy to install and maintain, and they provide fast and precise control. They are also resistant to high temperatures and harsh environments, making them suitable for use in industrial applications.

Conveyor Belt

Conveyors are mechanical devices or assemblies used to move items or packages with minimal effort. They usually consist of frames that support rollers, wheels, or belts and may be motor powered or manual devices. Belt conveyors convey material with the help of belt The belt of the conveyor may be of textile, strip steel, woven mesh steel wire.  Conveyors with textile belt  Conveyors with metal belt  Chain driven and rope driven belt conveyors N.B. Conveyors with rubberized textile belts have found the most extensive application. Types of belt conveyors: (i). According to the design a. Stationary conveyors b. Portable & mobile conveyors (ii). According to the purpose c. General purpose conveyor d. Special purpose conveyor Special purpose belts are used to convey hot loads or for operation at ambient temperature over +60°C and -25°C and also for the transport of material chemically injurious to the fabric or rubber cover of the belt. Special purpose belts include heat – resistant, frost resistant, and uninflammable and other types. Geometry of belt conveyor: According to their path of motion belt conveyors are classified as:  Horizontal  Inclined  Combined - Inclined horizontal - Horizontal inclined - Horizontal inclined horizontal - Inclined horizontal inclined
Parts of belt conveyors: 1. Belts: Various types of textile belts are employed in belt conveyors: Camel hair, cotton (woven or sewed), duck cotton. Rubberized textile belts are widely used. Conveyors belts should meet the following requirements: 1. Low hygroscopocity 2. High strength 3. Low own weight (Light in weight) 4. Small specific elongation 5. High flexibility 6. High resistivity to ply (Layer of material) 7. Long service life Rubberized textile belts: Rubberized textile belts are made from several layers known as plies of a rough woven cotton fabric known as belling. The plies are connected by vulcanization with natural or synthetic rubber. Sometimes the plies are made of extra – strong synthetic fabrics, Capron, perlon, nylon etc. 2. Idlers: Generally the belt is supported by idler rollers, in rare cases by a solid wood, or sheet steel, runway or a combination support comprising sections of a runway alternating with idle rollers. Idlers are used mainly in conveyors handling bulk loads, less frequently unit loads, while runways and combined supports are predominantly used for piece goods
According to their location on the conveyors, idlers are classified as upper (supporting the loaded strand of the belt) and lower (supporting the idler return strand of the belt). 3. Centering device: A number of reasons, such as eccentric loading, soiling, sticking of the material to the pulleys and rollers etc., may cause the belt to run crooked. To prevent the belt from running off the rollers, special “Belt training idlers” of various designs are used. These idlers automatically maintain belt alignment with respect to a device (idlers) called centering device. 4. Take ups: A belt conveyor may have a mechanical (screw type) or counterweight (gravity type) take up. The latter may in turn be divided into carries – type (sometimes called horizontal and vertical. In the screw take up the tensioning pulley simultaneously serves as deflecting til or pulley and rotates on a fixed shaft (best design) or in terminal bearings (worst design). In gravity take ups the tensioning pulley (serving simultaneously as tail and pulley) is placed on a movable carriage which is pulled backwards by means of a steel rope and deflecting pulleys. The vertical counterweight take up consists of three pulleys, (two deflecting and one tensioning) and are installed on the return strand of the conveyor. N.B. The carriage type take-up is superior to the vertical type because it is of much simpler design of considerably less height. 5. Drive units: In belt conveyors motive power is transmitted to the belt by friction as it wraps around the driving pulley rotted by an electric motor; the drive comprises the following parts: the pulley (Sometimes two pulleys), motor and the transmission gear between the motor and the pulley. Drives of inclined conveyors include a braking device which prevents slipping back of the loaded belt under the weight of the material conveyed if the current supplying the motor is interrupted. 6. Loading & discharging: Loading depends on the nature & characteristics of the load conveyed and the method of loading. Example: Charging For piece goods  various types of chutes are directly loaded onto the belt. For loose materials  feed hopper Discharging: Generally employed by - Scrapper ploughs - A throw – off carriage known as tripper (only used for bulk materials) N.B.: The discharge plough is a board placed at a certain angle α to the longitudinal axis of the belt and fastened on a frame. 7. Belt Cleaner: In case of dry particles: The clinging dry particles are cleaned by scrapper/wiper In case of wet and sticky materials: Revolving brushes are used Scrappers are mounted on  end pulley Brushes are mounted on  lower num. Belt cleaners are mounted near the discharge pulley
8. Automated hold back brakes: A sudden stoppage of a loaded inclined belt conveyor may cause slipping back of the loaded belt. This will happen if longitudinal component of load weight which is larger than the forces of frictional resistance to belt motion. - To prevent this type of spontaneous movement of the belt, a special hold back brake is mounted on the main or auxiliary shaft which keep inclined in conveyor. - It is a special protecting device which automatically disconnects the drive when the belt slips on the pulley. 9. Conveyor frame: - It is a supporting structure of the conveyor & is usually electrical welded - Consists of longitudinal beams, up-rights & cross pieces - The height of the frame is usually 400 – 500 mm - The spacing between upright is 2 – 3.5 m
Application of belt conveyors: 1. Convey great variety of unit loads & bulk loads 2. Foundry shop to convey mold or sand 3. Deliver fuel in power plant 4. Distribution of molding sand 5. Coal or ores mining 6. Cement & food industries 7. Carry articles of light weight in line production from one operation to another. Advantages of belt conveyors: 1. High capacity 500-5000 m3 /hour or more 2. Ability to transport loads for long distance (500-1000m or up) 3. Simplicity in design 4. Comparatively low in own weight 5. Reliable source 6. Convenient operation 7. Less skill required to operate Disadvantages of belt conveyors: 1. Not suitable for hot ashes & slag. 2. Not suitable granular, powder 3. Abrasive material can cause defect in conveyor Flight Conveyor Ordinary solid flight conveyors consists of essentially of open trough secured on frame work, along with runs the putting member fitted the terminal sprockets & pulleys and takes its motion from drive unit & it initially tensioned by take up.
Working Principle 1. The material to be conveyed is loaded into the through at any point along the carrying run & is pushed by the flights. 2. Discharge can be effected at any point through openings in the trough, shut with gates or sliding doors. 3. Both the lower and upper strands of the conveyor can served as loaded stands. 4. When necessary it can convey materials simultaneously in opposite direction. Application 1. Convey various powdered, granular & free flowing lump materials. 2. Mostly using coal mining operations. 3. Transport hot ashes & slug. 4. Special cable-disk conveyors are employed for handling piece goods such as wood, pulpwood etc. Advantages 1. Simple design 2. Ability to convey in both direction. 3. Easy loading & unloading at any point along the conveying run. Disadvantages 1. Crushing & breaking of the materials during transportation 2. Rapid wear of trough & moving parts. 3. Can not transport load for long distance(50-60m) 4. Low capacity & it is (150-200) tons per hour. Different Parts of Flight of Conveyors Trough: The Trough is a welded structure made of 4-6 mm sheet steel of rectangular or trapezoidal or of rolled profiles.  Troughs may be stumped of sheet steel.  In conveyors designed to handle light-weight materials (such as sawdust, grail etc ). The trough may be of wood.  The clearance between flight & trough should be (3-6) mm.  The trough is assembled of 4-6 m long sections. Drive Unit: The drive unit is of the usual type, commonly supplied with a reducing gear.  It’s duty to protect gear against breakages in case of an accidental overloads Take Up Unit: The take up chain & flight conveyors is of the screw or spring and screw type.  The adjustment length should be nit less than 1.6 times the chain pitch. Frame Work: The frame work of flight conveyors is generally welded of rolled profiles & assembled of separate sections. Flights: Flat rectangular flight symmetrically fastened on roller chains to carry the flights have found the most extensive application.  Are one of the most frequently used types is the box-type flight conveyor with having longitudinal slide plates. Pulling Member: The reliable and effective operation & long service life of a conveying machine will be ensured if the pulling member wraps freely around drums, sprockets & pulleys of small diameter.  Combines high strength & low weight.  The conveying machine without a pulling member will not fit into general classification as they have no identical purpose. Difference between belt conveyor & flight conveyor Belt Conveyor 1. Can not transport hot ashes & slag. 2. Ability to convey in one direction. 3. Loading and unloading takes place at the specified position/fixed point. 4. Can transport load for long distance (500-1000m or more) 5. High capacity. 6. Comparatively low in own weight. 7. Less skill required to operate Flight Conveyor 1. Can transport hot ashes & slag 2. Ability to convey in both direction. 3. Easy loading & unloading at any point 4. Can not transport load for long distance (50-60m) 5. Low capacity (150-200 tons per hour). 6. Comparatively high in own weight. 7. Comparatively skill required.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Belt Filter Press

DESCRIPTION Belt filter presses are used to remove water from liquid wastewater residuals and produce a non-liquid material referred to as “cake”. Dewatered residuals, or cake, vary in consistency from that of custard to moist soil. Dewatering serves the following purposes: C Reducing the volume, thus reducing storage and transportation costs. C Eliminating free liquids before landfill disposal. C Reducing fuel requirements if residuals are to be incinerated or dried. C Producing a material which will have sufficient void space and volatile solids for composting when blended with a bulking agent. C Avoiding the potential of biosolids pooling and runoff associated with liquid land application. C Optimizing subsequent processes such as thermal drying. A belt filter dewaters by applying pressure to the biosolids to squeeze out the water. Biosolids sandwiched between two tensioned porous belts are passed over and under rollers of various diameters. Increased pressure is created as the belt passes over rollers which decrease in diameter. Many designs of belt filtration processes are available, but all incorporate the following basic features: polymer conditioning zone, gravity drainage zones, low pressure squeezing zone, and high pressure squeezing zones. Advanced designs provide a large filtration area, additional rollers, and variable belt speeds that can increase cake solids by five percent. The general mechanical components of a belt filter press include dewatering belts, rollers and bearings, belt tracking and tensioning system, controls and drives, and a belt washing system. Figure 1 depicts a typical belt filter press. APPLICABILITY Belt filter presses can be used to dewater most biosolids generated at municipal wastewater treatment plants and are a common type of mechanical dewatering equipment. Using mechanical equipment to dewater solids may not be the most cost effective alternative for wastewater treatment plants operating at less than about 4 mgd. The selection of dewatering equipment should be based on the results of a site specific biosolids management plan which identifies both processing and end use alternatives and estimates costs. It may be less expensive to haul liquid to an application site or pay a processing facility to dewater and process or landfill the dewatered cake. Smaller facilities should also evaluate non-mechanical dewatering methods, such as drying beds or reed beds. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Advantages and disadvantages of belt filter presses for dewatering wastewater solids are summarized below:Source: U.S. EPA, 1987. Advantages C Staffing requirements are low, especially if the equipment is large enough to process the solids in one shift (USEPA, 1987). C Maintenance is relatively simple and can usually be completed by a wastewater treatment plant maintenance crew. Replacing the belt is the major maintenance cost. C Belt presses can be started and shut down quickly compared to centrifuges, which require up to an hour to build up speed (Henderson and Schultz, 1999). C There is less noise associated with belt presses compared to centrifuges (Henderson and Schultz, 1999). Disadvantages C Odors may be a problem, but can be controlled with good ventilation systems and chemicals, such as potassium permanganate, to neutralize odor-causing compounds (Rudolf, 1992). Some manufacturers offer fully enclosed equipment to minimize odors and reduce vapors in the operating room air (Bain et al., 1999). C Belt presses require more operator attention if the feed solids vary in their solids concentration or organic matter. This should not be a problem if the belt presses are fed from well-mixed digesters (Henderson and Schultz, 1999). C Wastewater solids with higher concentrations of oil and grease can result in blinding the belt filter and lower solids content cake. C Wastewater solids must be screened and/or ground to minimize the risk of sharp objects damaging the belt. C Belt washing at the end of each shift, or more frequently, can be time consuming and require large amounts of water(Henderson and Schultz, 1999). An automatic belt washing system and the use of effluent can minimize these costs. DESIGN CRITERIA Belt presses are sized on the basis of weight or volume of solids to be dewatered rather than the wastewater flow to the plant. To determine how many presses are needed, the wastewater treatment plant must: C Determine the amount of primary solids that will flow through the plant per day. C Determine the amount of waste-activated or trickling filter solids produced per day. C Determine the volume of thickened solids to be dewatered per day. C Estimate the range of dry solids concentration in the feed. C Estimate future increases in solids production. C Anticipate changes in sewer discharges or operation that could change solids quality or organic matter content. An effective biosolids management plan will include the above information. It is important to design for excess capacity so that the anticipated amount of incoming solids can be easily dewatered during operating hours. Allowing for excess capacity also ensures that the plant will not experience a build-up of solids if a unit is out of service. If only one unit is required, the plant should have an alternate program to remove solids in liquid form. The polymer conditioning zone can be a small tank, approximately 265 to 379 liters (70 to 100 gallons) located 0.6 to 1.8 meters (2 to 6 feet) from the press, a rotating drum attached to the top of the press, or an in-line injector. The press manufacturer usually supplies this zone along with the belt filter press (USEPA, 1986). The gravity drainage zone is a flat or slightly inclined belt unique to each model. Solids are dewatered by the gravity drainage of the free water. A 5 to 10 percent increase in solids concentration from the original biosolids should occur in this zone (USEPA, 1987). The free water drainage is a function of wastewater solids type, quality, conditioning, screen mesh, and design of the drainage zone. The low-pressure zone is the area where the upper and lower belts come together with the wastewater solids in between. This is sometimes called the “wedge zone,” because the feed solids are sandwiched between the upper and lower belts. The low-pressure zone prepares the biosolids by forming a firm cake which can withstand the forces of the high pressure zone. In the high-pressure zone, forces are exerted on the solids by the movement of the upper and lower belts as they move over and under a series of rollers of decreasing diameter. Some belt filter press models separate from the rest of the unit to increase pressure on the biosolids. This produces a drier cake, an important factor for plants that incinerate the final product or face high end use or disposal costs. A biosolids management plan should evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a high performance belt filter press. An additional design feature is a self-enclosed facility to reduce odors and protect worker health (Bain et al., 1999). Workers in the belt press areas are exposed to aerosols from wash spray nozzles and pathogens and hazardous gasses such as hydrogen sulfide. Enclosing the press reduces visibility to the operators and produces a corrosive environment for the rollers and bearings, but automating the system can alleviate these problems. The automation of belt presses is the subject of a Water Environment Research Foundation project. Benefits of automation include optimization of nonlinear variables which was rarely possible with manual or semi-automated operation, and the ability to produce dewatered cake at a constant rate. Automation generally increases capital costs by 10 percent. Manufacturers claim that this extra expense is worthwhile because it lowers labor costs,reduces polymer use, and maximizes the solids content of the cake, reducing disposal and end use costs (Gillette et al., 2000). The choice of dewatering technique and chemical polymer or salts impacts dewaterability as well as the potential for odor during further processing or recycling to land. Ancillary equipment for efficient operation of a belt press includes: C Polymer. C Mixing, aging, feed, liquid feed day tank. C Liquid residuals feed pump. C Odor control and ventilation. C Conveyor and/or pump to move dewatered cake. C An enclosed area to load trucks or containers. PERFORMANCE Manufacturers should be consulted for design and performance data early in the planning stage. Data should be confirmed with other operating installations and/or thrash pilot testing. Evaluation of equipment should consider capital and operating costs, including polymer, electricity, wash water, solids capture, and ventilation and odor control during dewatering and further processing or recycling. The operator can ensure system integration by requiring that the self-enclosed belt press, ventilation, and polymer system is supplied by a single provider. Since solids characteristics and quantity vary from plant to plant, it is important to evaluate different weaves, permeability, and solids retention abilities of dewatering belts to ensure optimum performance. Surveys of similar plants or testing of wastewater solids can be helpful in the decision-making process. Table 1 displays the range of performance of a high pressure belt press on various types of wastewater solids. Odor Control Odor complaints at wastewater treatment plants and biosolids end use sites can interfere with implementation of the most cost effective biosolids management options. Odor control measures should be included when designing dewatering facilities. Odor control is addressed in more detail in another fact sheet, but briefly, the methods include: TABLE 1 TYPICAL DATA FOR VARIOUS TYPES OF SLUDGES DEWATERED ON BELT FILTER PRESSES Type of Wastewater Sludge Total Feed Solids (percent) Polymer (g/kg) Total Cake Solids (percent) Raw Primary 3 to 10 1 to 5 28 to 44 Raw WAS 0.5 to 4 1 to 10 20 to 35 Raw Primary + WAS 3 to 6 1 to 10 20 to 35 Anaerobically Digested Primary 3 to 10 1 to 5 25 to 36 Anaerobically Digested WAS 3 to 4 2 to 10 12 to 22 Anaerobically Digested Primary + WAS 3 to 9 2 to 8 18 to 44 Aerobically Digested Primary + WAS 1 to 3 2 to 8 12 to 20 Oxygen Activated WAS 1 to 3 4 to 10 15 to 23 Thermally Conditioned Primary + WAS 4 to 8 0 25 to 50 Source: U.S. EPA, 1987.Source: Dr. Peter Wright, Cornell University, 1996. FIGURE 2 DEWATERED SOLIDS CAKE DROPPING FROM BELT FILTER PRESS AFTER PROCESSING • Using a self enclosed belt press. • Adding potassium permanganate or other oxidizing agent to minimize odors in the solids. • Minimizing liquid storage prior to belt pressing to less than 24 hours. The longer the solids are stored, the lower the pH, the higher the liquid ammonia concentration, and the higher the organic sulfide emissions (Hentz et al., 2000). • Conducting bench-scale and full-scale testing of liquid sludge to determine if combined storage of primary and waste activated sludges accelerates the deterioration of biosolids (Hentz et al., 2000). • Specifying polymers that are stable at elevated temperatures and pH. This is especially important at facilities using lime stabilization or high temperature processing such as heat drying, thermophyllic digestion, or composting. Self-Enclosed Belt Presses The main purpose of a self-enclosed system is to minimize the amount of foul air needing treatment in an odor control system. An induced draft fan provides a slight negative pressure (typically 100 cubic feet per meter per meter of belt width.) The system design should: C Minimize gaps in the enclosure. C Minimize enclosure volume. C Locate mechanical and electrical components requiring maintenance outside the enclosed area for easy access and reduced maintenance. C Include automation to optimize performance of the belt press. C Use stainless steel materials. C Provide multiple access hatches to allow operator viewing and clean up. C Provide for easy removal of the belt for replacement (Bain et al., 1999). Chemical Addition Solids must be conditioned with polymer to ensure optimum performance. Polymer feed points should be designed at several locations to ensure flexibility and optimum performance. The solids/polymer mixture should be subject to gentle mixing as turbulent conditions can sheer the floc, minimizing polymer effectiveness. Polymer dilution and aging systems should be large enough to optimize polymer usage. Potassium permanganate or other oxidizing agents are often added to solids prior to dewatering. These have been shown to reduce odors caused by sulfides, reduce the amount of polymer needed, and increase cake solids content (Rudolf, 1992). Figure 2 shows dewatered solids from a belt filter press after processing. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE It is important to monitor operating parameters to achieve optimum performance and ensure that solids are properly conditioned and that good gravity drainage occurs. The manufacturer shouldprovide operation and maintenance training after installation as well as ongoing training to maintain skills. Dewatering belts should be designed for easy replacement with minimum downtime. Belt washing should occur daily after the cake is removed. Replacement of filter belts is a common maintenance requirement. Belt life averages about 2,700 running hours, with a range of 400 to 12,000 hours. A belt press operator is responsible for polymer mixing, dosing and monitoring usage, and observing the feed and cake several times per day, making adjustments as necessary. Rollers and bearings require frequent lubrication. It is important for the operator to keep records of all press performance parameters, including the volume of biosolids fed to the press, polymer dosage, and potassium permanganate or other chemical usage. A sample of the biosolids to the press, cake discharge, and filtrate should be taken at least once per shift and analyzed for total solids. At the end of each shift, the belt should be cleaned with high-pressure wash water. Labor is relative to plant size. A plant with a single belt press needs four to eight staff hours per day (including lab testing), whereas six to eight presses can be operated with eight to ten staff hours per day. Large plants use less operating effort per belt press. Highly automated systems reduce labor requirements, but require an instrumentation specialist to maintain the system.





Dimensioning is an essential part of technical drawings and engineering design. It involves the process of adding measurements and annotations to drawings to communicate the size, location, and tolerances of objects, features, and components. Here are the principles of dimensioning: Clarity: The dimensions should be clear, precise, and unambiguous. The units of measurement should be specified, and the placement of the dimensions should be logical and easy to read. Consistency: The dimensions should be consistent throughout the drawing, using the same style, font, and placement. This makes it easier to read and understand the drawing. Accuracy: The dimensions should be accurate and match the actual dimensions of the object being depicted. This is critical to ensuring that the final product or component will function correctly. Completeness: All necessary dimensions should be included on the drawing, including the size, shape, location, and orientation of features, as well as tolerances and other specifications. Appropriate dimensioning: Dimensioning should be appropriate to the type of object being depicted. For example, circles should be dimensioned with diameter, while rectangular objects should be dimensioned with length, width, and height. Simplicity: The dimensions should be as simple and clear as possible, using as few dimensions as necessary to convey the required information. This helps to reduce the likelihood of errors and confusion. Tolerance: Tolerance is the acceptable deviation from the specified dimension. Tolerances should be specified to ensure that the final product or component will function correctly and fit together with other components. By following these principles of dimensioning, engineers and designers can create clear and accurate technical drawings that can be easily understood and used to manufacture products and components.


A drawing title block is a section of a technical drawing that contains important information about the drawing, such as the title, author, date, scale, and revision history. Here are the common elements found in a drawing title block: Drawing title: The title of the drawing provides a brief description of the subject matter and purpose of the drawing. Author: The name or initials of the person who created the drawing. Date: The date the drawing was created or last modified. Scale: The scale of the drawing indicates the ratio between the size of the drawing and the actual size of the object being depicted. Drawing number: A unique identifier assigned to the drawing for tracking and referencing purposes. Company logo: The logo of the company or organization responsible for the drawing. Sheet size: The size of the drawing sheet, typically specified in standard sizes such as A0, A1, A2, etc. Revision history: A table that records the history of revisions made to the drawing, including the date of each revision, the reason for the revision, and the initials of the person who made the revision. Notes: Additional information or instructions related to the drawing, such as specifications or standards that must be followed. The title block is typically located in the lower right-hand corner of the drawing sheet, although its exact location and size may vary depending on the drawing's purpose and layout. The purpose of the title block is to provide important information about the drawing to ensure its accuracy, consistency, and usability.


Drawing sheets are a key component of technical drawings and engineering design. They provide a standard format for organizing and presenting information about the object, structure, or system being depicted. Here are some common types of drawing sheets used in technical drawings: Cover sheet: The cover sheet is the first page of the drawing set and typically contains information about the project, such as the project name, author, date, and other relevant details. Assembly sheet: The assembly sheet shows an overall view of the object or system being depicted, with individual parts or components shown in their relative positions. It may also include a parts list and a bill of materials. Detail sheet: The detail sheet provides detailed information about individual parts or components, including dimensions, tolerances, and other specifications. It may also include notes and callouts to other drawings or parts. Section sheet: The section sheet shows a cross-sectional view of the object or system, allowing engineers and designers to see the internal structure and components. Wiring diagram: The wiring diagram shows the electrical connections and circuits of the object or system, including components such as switches, relays, and motors. Schematic diagram: The schematic diagram shows the functional relationships and interactions between the different components of the object or system, typically using symbols and labels. Fabrication drawing: The fabrication drawing provides detailed information about how individual parts or components should be fabricated, including materials, dimensions, tolerances, and manufacturing instructions. These are just a few examples of the types of drawing sheets used in technical drawings. The specific types of sheets used and the information presented on each sheet will vary depending on the purpose and complexity of the drawing. Technical drawings are typically produced on standardized paper sizes, which are commonly referred to as drawing sizes. The most commonly used paper size for technical drawings is the ISO A-series, which includes the following sizes (in millimeters): A0: 841 x 1189 A1: 594 x 841 A2: 420 x 594 A3: 297 x 420 A4: 210 x 297 Other paper sizes that are used for technical drawings include the ANSI series and Arch series, which are commonly used in North America. The ANSI series includes the following sizes (in inches): ANSI A: 8.5 x 11 ANSI B: 11 x 17 ANSI C: 17 x 22 ANSI D: 22 x 34 ANSI E: 34 x 44 The Arch series includes the following sizes (in inches): Arch A: 9 x 12 Arch B: 12 x 18 Arch C: 18 x 24 Arch D: 24 x 36 Arch E: 36 x 48 The choice of drawing size depends on several factors, including the complexity of the drawing, the amount of detail needed, and the amount of space required to include all the necessary information. Larger drawings are typically used for more complex objects or systems, while smaller drawings may be used for simpler designs. Additionally, different drawing sizes may be used for different stages of the design process, such as preliminary sketches, detailed drawings, or fabrication drawings.


Engineering drawings play a critical role in the design, manufacture, and maintenance of products, structures, and systems across a wide range of industries. Here are some of the key roles that engineering drawings play: Communication: Engineering drawings serve as a universal language of technical communication between designers, engineers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders involved in the production and maintenance of a product or system. They provide a visual representation of the design, including dimensions, tolerances, and other specifications, that can be easily understood by anyone familiar with the standards and conventions of engineering drawings. Design: Engineering drawings serve as a primary means of documenting the design of a product or system, including its form, function, and intended use. They provide a detailed representation of the design that can be used to identify potential design flaws, test the performance of the product or system, and optimize its design for manufacturability and reliability. Manufacturing: Engineering drawings serve as a set of instructions for manufacturing a product or system. They provide detailed information about the materials, dimensions, tolerances, and other specifications needed to produce the product or system, as well as instructions for assembly, testing, and quality control. Maintenance: Engineering drawings serve as a reference for maintaining and repairing a product or system throughout its life cycle. They provide a detailed representation of the product or system, including all its components and how they are assembled, that can be used to diagnose and repair any issues that arise. Overall, engineering drawings play a critical role in ensuring that products and systems are designed, manufactured, and maintained to meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and safety.


Engineering drawings are graphical representations of technical information that are used in a variety of engineering and design fields. These drawings are typically created using specialized software and tools, and they provide a detailed representation of an object, structure, or system, including its dimensions, materials, and other specifications. The primary purpose of engineering drawings is to communicate technical information in a clear and concise manner, using universally recognized symbols, conventions, and standards. They are used to convey critical information about the design, construction, and operation of products and systems, including their form, function, and intended use. Engineering drawings come in a variety of formats and types, including: 2D drawings: These drawings are used to represent an object or structure in two dimensions, such as a plan view, elevation view, or section view. 3D drawings: These drawings are used to represent an object or structure in three dimensions, such as a wireframe, surface model, or solid model. Schematic drawings: These drawings are used to represent the electrical or mechanical systems of a product or structure, including the connections, components, and flow of power or fluids. Assembly drawings: These drawings are used to represent the individual components of a product or structure, as well as how they are assembled or connected. Engineering drawings are a critical part of the design, manufacturing, and maintenance process, and they are used across a wide range of industries and applications, including architecture, automotive engineering, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. They are an essential tool for communicating technical information and ensuring that products and systems are designed, built, and maintained to meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and performance.


In engineering and construction, rectangular refers to a shape that has four sides and four right angles, with opposite sides being parallel...